FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier with carbon black

Date:2021-09-26 16:30:41 | Views:

FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier with Carbon Black is a very convenient device that can be used to crush all kinds of products, especially some fine particle products need to be used.

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER WITH CARBON Black is a high-pressure air flow as a pulverized kinetic gas flow to a crushing cavity peripheral, which is the airflow distribution station. The airflow passes through the Ravar nozzle accelerates supersonic airflow into the crushing room, the material and Wenqiu The nozzle enters the crushing chamber to synchronize accelerated grinding. The acute angle of the Raval nozzle mounts the crushing chamber, so the flow cycle of the jet of the broken chamber and the animal feed, the particles are hit, collide, friction, and grind. The fine particles were opened into the center of the pulverizer, and the cyclone separator was entered into the drive of the heart gas, and the coarse powder was thrown to the periphery of the pulverizer, and cycled under the action of centrifugation and continued to be pulverized.

What is the grading principle and process of FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER WITH CARBON Black? Below, you will share with you. 1. Open the switch in the control cabinet, start the power supply, the device operation; Physical role such as airflow and gravity is graded in three parts; 5, the airflow of three flow paths has a control valve group adjustment to maintain their respective balance; 6, the grading thick Chinese products are recovered separately; 7, clean air There is a blower to discharge into the atmosphere.

If you still have questions, you can directly contact the ALPA Technology Co., Ltd., warmly welcome the users to come to consult, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is still one Suitable for you!

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