FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Plaster

Date:2021-09-27 17:00:09 | Views:

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER OF Plaster can be used for important or need to be grounded to granular product processing, AlPA ultrafine pulverizer products are good quality, affordable, factory direct sales, also push after-sales service service for customers, good service attitude

When you purchase FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Plaster, you need high pulverity and no loss. However, before buying, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the crusher and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understanding, we can better choose and apply. Today we will learn about FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Plaster: 1. Low powder temperature: no cooling system during continuous operation, the resulting powder temperature is never less than 50 degrees; 2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or other spore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through 95%; 3. Ultrafine pulverizer can be added to water, Alcohol or other liquids are wet pulverized, or protectively pulverized by introducing gas. After you understand the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, you should pay more attention to it when you purchase later, so you will choose a superfine pulverizer you satisfied.

ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. developed super fine classification machine, precision classifier, etc., can effectively protect the purity and accuracy of grading products, if you need to purchase related equipment, please feel free to contact us. .

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