FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier Cocoa Cake

Date:2021-09-29 09:34:16 | Views:

We all know that FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifiercocoa Cake is a strong airflow pulverized equipment, many stubborn hard materials encountered a shredder to be cut into a uniform block of blocks,

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CAKE WHEEL CLASSIFIERCOA CAKE Wheel Clean Way To clean up FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifiercocoa Cake has been exchanged into industrial manufacturing fields an essential Equipment, as a common production equipment, it is not only advantageous, and sometimes FL / ITC MULTIPLE CAKE will also be damaged. Let's take a look at how to check the repair equipment with Xiaobian. Daily maintenance FL / ITC MULTIPLE CAKE To check the power outlet, plug, the power cord has no oxygen offset, the break, if you do not have the power test machine, when the motor is not rotated, use the hand light plunner When the film is rotatable, it can be determined that one capacity failure is caused in the two boot capacitors of the machine. If you can send a discharge spark and a very fringe, the capacitor can be used; if the sparks and sound are weak, the capacity of the capacitance has dropped, and the new or add a small capacitor. If the airflow pulverizer does not use this method if the capacitor has been damaged, and it must be repaired with the same size. In addition to FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierCocoa Cake, there is a rod mill high-speed pulverizer. This crusher is generally very good, and daily maintenance is more important. The following is this type of airflow pulverizer. Maintenance focus. Check if the lubrication of the bearing is good to check if all fasteners are tight. Check if the drive belt is installed correctly and the situation is good. If the belt is broken, it should be replaced in time, and there is oil on the belt or groove.When it is blocked, the applied clean rag is cleaned. Check if the protective device is good, if it is found that the protective device is unsafe phenomenon, it should be excluded in time. Check that there is an ignorant or other debris in the damage chamber, if it is sometimes cleaned. Check if the hydraulic top machine head or the starting roof rod is returned, adjust whether the gasket is properly installed correctly and compact. The above is the knowledge of the daily maintenance and maintenance of the product from the FL / ITC Multiple Cake manufacturer.

Shandong AlPa Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierCocoa Cake, has a mature process, strong technical strength, specializing in FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifiercocoa Cake, quality Survive, welcome everyone to come to consult.

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