Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier Plaster

Date:2021-10-11 17:03:31 | Views:

Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierPlaster is a crushing device commonly used in industrial production. Due to its excellent performance, it is widely used in the pulverization operation of various materials. Although this work is very prominent, we still have to look at the machine, just like a normal machine, check the machine, eliminate the machine failure, make the machine more efficient and safely.

Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierPlaster and cyclone splitters, dust collectors and air-proof machines have become a complete crushing system. After filtration of compressed air is dried, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, repeated collision, friction and shear at the intersection of the plurality of high pressure airflows, and pulverized the material. The crushing material moves from the rising airflow to the hierarchical region under the suction of the fan, generating a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotation. Under force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the granular particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.

Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierPlaster features ultrafine pulverization for dry powder materials. The impact is large, up to 2.5 Mach. General materials are easily crushed to 1-10 microns. 2. Relative fluidized bed gas flow pulverizer has a good crushing effect on viscous materials, and the crushing process does not generate clogging materials that cannot be pulverized. 3, heating, grinding process due to compressed gas nozzles, temperature drop, no mechanical friction, the grinding process does not warm, break, suitable for low-melting thermal sensitive materials. 4, easy equipment, convenient cleaning, convenient operation and maintenance, small area, low noise, no vibration, and so on.

How to continue MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIERPLASTER life? Here are the following aspects: 1. In the production process, the temperature rise of the bearing must be regularly checked. When the temperature rises to 50 ° C, the inspection should be checked, find a reason, and troubleshoot the fault. 2. When the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily stretched, and the tightness of the belt should be adjusted to ensure the life of the belt. 3. Regularly check the lifting parts, promptly guarantee the quality of production and production. 4, blade and bushing should always checkWear. When wear, the productivity is lowered, and the grain is thick. 5, the host and gradient flow bearing oil grease lubrication, the use of special grease, and the degree of 265-295.6, and the change cycle of the bearing is 2000 hours. The amount of the grease is filled into a 1/2 (upper test) or 3/4 (below the test), so we can't add too much grease. Otherwise, the bearing temperature is too high. 7, the spiral feeder is 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.

I hope everyone can buy the favorite airflow crusher product!

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