Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Modified starch

Date:2021-10-11 17:03:36 | Views:

Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Modified Starch and cyclone splitters, dust collectors and air machines have become a complete crushing system. After filtration of compressed air is dried, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, repeated collision, friction and shear at the intersection of the plurality of high pressure airflows, and pulverized the material. The crushing material moves from the rising airflow to the hierarchical region under the suction of the fan, generating a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotation. Under force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the granular particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.

Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Modified Starch features: high yield, low energy consumption, high grading efficiency. 2. Particle size: This unit is graded by an impeller. The stable grading process and special sealing measures effectively prevent the leakage of crude particles, so that the product has no large particles, the particle size is concentrated, and the grading accuracy is high. 3. The structure is reasonable, and 1-6 products can be produced at the same time according to user requirements. 4. Strong applicability: A closed or open joint operation can be combined with a variety of mill (air mill, mechanical mill, ball mill, Raymond mill, vibrating mill, etc.). 5. High degree of automation.

Now let's talk about Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Modified Starch's troubleshooting. Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier Of Modified Starch Troubleshooting: 1. Feedback: Improper Treasure Adjustment, pipeline clogging, screen jamming, dust bag gas permeability or severe wear, hammer wear is serious, etc. can cause feedback. When this happens, you should find out the cause, then take elimination measures, or remove the valve, replace the powder bag, improve the breathable, or replace the hammer head. 2, bearing overheating: When the bearing lubrication is poor, the damage or the spindle bend, the rotor is severely imbalance, and the belt is too tight and the bearing is overheating. By replacing the lubricant, replace the bearing and the spindle, the balance the rotor and the adjustment belt are elastic, the bearing can return to normal state. 3,The strong vibration of the airflow pulverizer: The mounting hammer is wrong. The corresponding weight deviation of the two groups of heavy hammers is too large, and the bearing is damaged or the spindle is bent, and the foot is connected to the screw. According to the specific reason, step by step. 4, there is a sound inside the crusher: the components of the crusher are damaged, fall off or hard, such as stone and iron into the machine, that is, the external sound will be generated, and the machine should immediately stop the damaged parts or remove the hard object. 5, low production efficiency: insufficient electric power, misconduct of pulley, slippery slip, hammer wear, and high raw material uneven or high water content is the main reason for the low production efficiency. We need to regularly check the machines and equipment to ensure proper work, which not only guarantees the safety of people, but also improves equipment efficiency.

ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. developed super fine classification machine, precision classifier, etc., can effectively protect the purity and accuracy of grading products, if you need to purchase related equipment, please feel free to contact us. .

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