Horizontal Air Classifier for Natural flake graphite

Date:2021-09-30 17:24:23 | Views:

Horizontal Air Classifier for Natural Flake Graphite as the name is a mechanical equipment applied to the production area, which is mostly used in pulverizing particles, fast pulverity, good precision.

Airflow crushing product in addition to granularity In addition, there is a characteristic of particle size distribution, smooth particle surface, particle shape, high purity, high activity, good dispersibility. Since Horizontal Air Classifier for Natural Flake Graphite produces a Juromon cooling effect during the crushing process, it is also suitable for ultrafine pulverization of low melting and thermal materials. The gas-solid ratio in the pulverization process is an important technical parameter and important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. However, if the gas ratio is too high, not only the amount of energy is wasteful, but even the dispersion of certain particles will also becomerated. When the feed is grained, when the hard material is pulverized, the particle size of the feed is more stringent. In the case of titanium powder, when the calcined material is pulverized, it is necessary to control 100-200 mesh; the material after the pulverization surface is generally 40-70, and cannot exceed 2-5 mesh.

Horizontal Air Classifier for Natural Flake Graphite Principle and Features: When the compressed gas enters the pulverizer by the feed injector, pulverizing the raw material, there are a plurality of pulverized nozzles in the pulverizing room, and the supersonic air flow is injected, so that the material is affected by the gas stream High-speed impact and material collision, friction, and pulverize the graded particles, the coarse particles are separated, and the coarse particle circulation continues to be pulverized. After the interior closed circuit is pulverized, ultrafine powder is finally distributed in the discharge port. . 1. Suitable for dry ultra-micro processes. Due to the large impact speed, it can be more than 2.5 mep, in general, it is easy to obtain 1-10 micron particles, depending on the properties of the material, it is possible to obtain less than 1 micron particles. 2. Because there is a closed circuit classification mechanism inside the pulverizer, the product is thick The particles constantly circulate, and thus the particles are uniform and the particle size distribution range is obtained. 3, the device has shortness of pulverization, simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance, small area, low noise (72 decibels) and no vibration. 4, the efficiency is high when pulverization, can be pulverized, and the purity of the pulverized product can be maintained.

During the production process, we should pay attention to maintenance and maintenance of Horizontal Air Classifier for Natural Flaphite. 1. In the production process, the bearing temperature should be checked regularly. When the temperature rises above 50 degrees Celsius, the machine should be stopped to find out the cause and troubleshoot. 2, when the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily elongated. Pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt. 3, should be checked regularly, replace it in time, and ensure quality and production. 4, should check the wear of the blade and lining periodically. If the productivity is lowered after the wear, the grain size is thicker and the wear is immediately replaced. 5, the host and the hierarchical flow bearing use grease lubrication. 6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, the amount of grease is 1/2 or 3/4 (lower test) of the bearing cavity space cannot be filled with too much fat. Otherwise, the temperature of the bearing will be too high. 7, the spiral feeder changes the fat period of 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease. 8, in the output shaft E, i.e., pulley E, avoid heavy hush, damage to the part. 9. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle of the handwheel in the stop. 10. The lubricating oil used by the governor adopts N32 alkaline high-zinc high anti-milling oil, and the reducer uses 401 universal lubricants and cannot be replaced by other machines. 11. After 3000 hours, the new oil should be replaced, and then used after 500 hours of the second oil, then use it after 1000 hours.

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