FL Multiple-stage Classifier in Series kaolin

Date:2021-09-30 17:24:25 | Views:

In the rapid development of the region, there are a lot of people have already FL Multiple-Stage Classifier in Series kaolin have a certain understanding, mill technology is in a leading position in the industry.

FL Multiple-Stage Classifier in Series kaolin working temperature rises, when the temperature of the working fluid is high, the flow rate of the gas increases. Taking air as an example, the critical speed at room temperature is 320 m / sec, and when the temperature rises to 480 ° C, the critical speed can be increased to 500 m / sec, that is, the kinetic energy increases by 150%. Therefore, increasing the temperature of the working fluid is conducive to improving pulverization. The pressure of the working fluid is the main parameters of the jet speed, but also the main parameters affecting the fineness of the break. Typically, the higher the pressure of the working fluid, the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy. When the titanium powder is pulverized by overheating steam, the vapor pressure is typically from 0.8 to 1.7 MPa, and generally the pulverized calcined material is high, and the material after the pulverized surface is low.

FL Multiple-stage Classifier in Series kaolin Principles and characteristics: When the compressed gas through the ejector feeder pulverized material into the crushing chamber, a plurality of peripheral grinding nozzles in the grinding chamber, the supersonic jet stream, so that the material stream by high-speed impact and material collide with each other, and friction pulverization and classification to separate the tube out coarser particles, coarse particles loops back to continue pulverization crushing chamber, after the internal closed-circuit grinding, the final distribution of the ultrafine powder obtained even in the discharge port . 1. Suitable for dry ultra-micro processes. Due to the large impact speed, it can be more than 2.5 mep, in general, it is easy to obtain 1-10 micron particles, depending on the properties of the material, it is possible to obtain less than 1 micron particles. 2. Because there is a closed circuit classification mechanism inside the pulverizer, the product is thick The particles constantly circulate, and thus the particles are uniform and the particle size distribution range is obtained. 3, the equipment has the advantages of short smashing time, simple structure, convenient operation, small area, low noise (72 decibel) and no vibration. 4, the efficiency is high when pulverization, can be pulverized, and the purity of the pulverized product can be maintained.

how to continue FL Multiple-stage ClASSIFIER IN Serieskaolin Life? Here are the following aspects: 1. In the production process, the temperature rise of the bearing must be regularly checked. When the temperature rises to 50 ° C, the inspection should be checked, find a reason, and troubleshoot the fault. 2. When the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily stretched, and the tightness of the belt should be adjusted to ensure the life of the belt. 3. Regularly check the lifting parts, promptly guarantee the quality of production and production. 4, blade and bushing should always check the wear situation. When wear, the productivity is lowered, and the grain is thick. 5, the host and gradient flow bearing oil grease lubrication, the use of special grease, and the degree of 265-295.6, and the change cycle of the bearing is 2000 hours. The amount of the grease is filled into a 1/2 (upper test) or 3/4 (below the test), so we can't add too much grease. Otherwise, the bearing temperature is too high. 7, the spiral feeder is 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.

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