Multiple-stage Classifier in Series for Granulated sugar

Date:2021-10-20 15:30:07 | Views:

Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series for Granulate Sugar provides power by the adiabatic expansion of the compressed air and the compressed gas at the nozzle. The temperature of the system will be reduced. The material is inhaled in the mixing chamber by a negative pressure generated by the high-speed jet of the feed injector. The nozzle is injected into the pulverizing chamber in a certain angle by pulverizing jet in the radial direction of the pulverized chamber and is distributed at the same level. The jet stream rotates with the material with a very high speed, forming a fluid power characteristic on the radius of the pulverizer. Material particles collide with huge momentum. Material As airflow high-speed exercise, a serious impact, friction and shear of the grinding chamber, resulting in wear and wear of the grinding cavity, causing certain pollution to the product. In this apparatus, the treated material is blown at a speed of 20 m / s, and collides with other high speed materials. Due to the high-speed flow of the airflow and the high impact strength of the material, the crushing efficiency is very high. At the same time, during the motion of the machine gun, the inner spiral cyclone and outer spiral void are added. The limit is aggregated to the axis of motion to reduce the friction of the tube wall and reduce the metal wear to minimize. The air pulverizer has an upward nozzle under the bottom of the pulverized chamber, and the material that falls into the pulverized chamber can also be smashed and eliminated by a high-speed air flow entrained by the nozzle in time. The blind zone of the cone below the broken chamber, the ball media and materials are irregular in the entire simplified body. Scroll, make the ball media and materials have a double effect of collision and grinding, resulting in fine grinding, uniform dispersion.

Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series for Granulate-Stage Classifier In Series for granulated sugar generates certain noise during production, the main reason for generating noise is: (1) When operating at high speed, operators Drive air generates a "whistle" call: (2) The device is running. The sound of vibration is generated; (3), the rubbing between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction. For noise generated, the main solution is as follows: (1) add lubricating oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalign, adjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing; (2) The heat generated during the crushing process also produces noise , And cool the cold sleeve by the crushing chamber, the muffler is installedThe air intake port of the pulverization chamber; (3) vibration damping of the damping pad and other equipment.

The company produces a variety of Multiple-Stage Classifier in Series for Granulate, and airflow mills, complete test methods and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, and the production of crushers are widely used in chemical, medical, Minerals, electronics, pesticides, ceramics and other industries. To purchase products, please contact us.

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