Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate

Date:2021-11-17 09:53:15 | Views:

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. Especially in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of my country Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate technology is stable development in China's Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate, strong control, high quality.

The Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate is smashed in full-closed state, and the fineness of the pulverized particles is better, the granular shape is good, the yield is also large, the pulverization process is no dust production, and the material is purified by the purity after crushing, and the raw materials are greatly saved. medicine. Vibration Mills Of Sodium Polyacrylate can reach the effect of cell-breaking wall during pulverization, so that the effective component dissolution of the medicinal material is greatly improved, and the efficacy is also easier to be absorbed by the human body. Experts pointed out that after pulverizing the gas flow crusher, the minimal component can reach the original efficacy. During the pulverization process, it can work according to different medicinal materials and crushedness, generally use a gas flow pulverizer to pulverize the drug. It is possible to save resources between 30% and 70%.

ALPA Desulfurizer Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate Case Sharing: The company is a high-tech company that requires a desulfurizer crusher, investigating a number of powder equipment manufacturers at home and abroad, and finally chose our Alpa's Vibration Mills of Sodium Polyacrylate.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: 200 mesh 90% passed
Production capacity: 4-5T

Vibration Mills of Sodium polyacrylate should be maintained and maintained
1, apply Before, check all the standard parts of the equipment to be tightened, the belt is tight.
2, the spindle operation direction must conform to the direction of the arrow shown on the protective cover, otherwise it will damage the equipment, and may cause human damage.
3, check the electrical appliance is not intact.
4. Check the hardware such as metal-free materials in the equipment crushing room, otherwise it will damage the tool, affect the equipment operation.
5, the material must be checked before crushing, and there is no metal material hard article to be mixed to prevent crash or cause combustion.
6, the oil cup on the device should often be injected into the lubricant to ensure that the equipment is operating normally.
7. Stopping the feeding before the shutdown, if it does not continue to be used, clear the in the machine.
8. Check the tool with the screen on time is damaged. If it is damaged, it should be replaced first.
9, when usedThe body will have a small oscillation, so be sure to connect the handle to the handle to avoid accidents.

Weifang ALPA well-known airflow crushing equipment brand, free to provide professional transport programs, German advanced technology, stable performance, high efficiency, support customization !!!

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