Pin Grinder of Astragalus Powder

Date:2021-11-19 08:37:31 | Views:

In numerous pulverization mode, PIN Grinder of Astragalus Powder has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, a narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. In particular Applicable materials such as crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

PIN Grinder of Astragalus Powder has a small size, light weight, high efficiency, no dust, cleaning, easy to operate, and beautiful modeling.

The pulverized groove and the blade are made of stainless steel. It can complete the coarse crushed and fine powder in 3 seconds to 2 minutes. It can quickly crush a variety of Chinese herbal medicines and most of the food, wide and wide, and different properties. It is very well pulverized, and the material is losses, and the dissection of different materials will not be strooked.

such as Western ginseng, ginseng, three seventh, placenta, baui, pearl, white peony, 苡 苡 米, green beans, soy, sesame, rice, corn, etc.

ALPA Hardstragalus Pin Grinder of Astragalus Powder Case Sharing:

A gypsum company is an integrated enterprise, production, sales, export, production, sales, export, production, sales, export, production, sales, export of sulfate powder In industries such as building materials, molds, food, medicine, rubber, plastics, coatings.
The company adopts advanced modern production equipment and leading production technology, natural gypsum, natural plaster powder, desulfurized gypsum powder variety, high grade, quality, and export to all parts of the country, partially exported to Japan, South Korea, South Africa , Egypt and other countries are favored by users.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: 4-15 um
Horses Yield: 3-6T

It is necessary to clean Pin Grinder of Astragalus Powder for a long time. Before the airflow pulverizer is cleaned, all machines should be disassembled. When cleaning, the power supply can be turned off, and the remaining dust can be removed directly with a brush. We must remember to clean it layer by layer. When the displacement is unloading, you can remove the four screws on the base, then remove the hopper. When sieved, the air pulverizer door can be opened directly, and finally the screen can be disassembled. After removing the movement gear, release the fastening nut first, then separate the live teeth from the spindle. Then remove the active gear and place it safely. Remove the fixed gear, remove the screw and remove the fixed gear. Be careful when disassembling the air pulverizer and must never be damaged by machine components.

Shandong ALPA airflow crusher price, quality is more than German brand, environmental protection, granularity concentrated, explosion-proof dustproof. Welcome to inquire.

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