Ring Roller MILL for Gold Mine

Date:2021-11-25 09:48:41 | Views:

Since the 1980s, with the development of the national economy, more and more industrial needs to dry ultra-fine powder grinding materials, Ring Roller Mill for Gold Mine is the most effective in achieving ultrafine powder grinding of powder. One of the equipment. In my country, after 20 years of development, Ring Roller Mill for Gold Mine has been widely used in pesticides, food, medicine, fine chemical, electronic battery materials and other fields.

The components of RING ROLLER MILL for Gold Mine include drive motors, pulverations, fine powder and coarse powder outlets, raw materials inlets and two air imports. In addition, it is widely used and is a very good machine. Vertical air pulverizer can be used in squares, crystalline stone, quartz, gypsum, silica, corundum, cement, alumina, etc., which plays an important role.

ALPA Small Soda Ring Roller Mill for Gold Mine Case Sharing: The company is a chemical enterprise, it is necessary to make ultrafish smashing on small soda, investigate a number of powder equipment enterprises, and finally chose our Alpa Ring Roller. Mill for gold mine.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D97: 20UM
Production capacity: 10-220kg

1, before use First check that all standard parts of the equipment are tightened, and the belt is tight.

2, the spindle operation direction must conform to the direction of the arrow shown on the protective cover, otherwise it will damage the equipment, and may cause human damage.
3, check the electrical appliance is not intact.
4. Check the hardware such as metal-free materials in the equipment crushing room, otherwise it will damage the tool, affect the equipment operation.
5, the material must be checked before crushing, and there is no metal material hard article to be mixed to prevent crash or cause combustion.
6, the oil cup on the device should often be injected into the lubricant to ensure that the equipment is operating normally.
7. Stopping the feeding before the shutdown, if it does not continue to be used, clear the in the machine.
8. Check the tool with the screen on time is damaged. If it is damaged, it should be replaced first.
9. When using the timing, there is a small oscillation, so it is necessary to connect the handle to the handle to avoid accidents.

The company produces a variety of Ring Roller Mill for Gold Mine and airflow mills, complete test methods and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, and the production of crushers are widely used in chemical, medical, Mineral, electronics, pesticides, potteryPorcelain and other industries.Welcome to contact us if you need to buy products.

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