Ring Roller Mill of SUCROSE FATTY ACID

Date:2021-11-25 09:48:51 | Views:

RING ROLLER MISU SUCROSE FATTY ACID As a clean, efficient, high-level, high-yield of advanced crusher models in crushing, extensive, from dozens of minor tests to test Ring Roller Mill of Ssurose Fatty ACID has narrowed by the particle size distribution, the average particle size is fine; the powder is good, the product is purified; suitable for low melting point, thermal drug; Less pollution; easy to operate; crushing - mixed - dry online operations have been widely recognized by the company.

Ring Roller Mill of Ssurose Fatty ACID Features:

Compared to other models significantly reduced investment and use cost, suitable for low value-added coarse powder;

2, can Well consumption, small noise; simple structure, less easy to lose weight, easy and easy to maintain;

3, low speed large diameter single-class wheel, large production capacity; internal wall wear protection;

4, automated operation, intelligent instrument monitoring, low labor cost and labor intensity;

5, negative pressure running without dust leakage; achieve environmental protection and labor safety requirements;

6, run stable and reliable , Product uniformity and consistency.

The above is to introduce the working principle and characteristics of Ring Roller Mill of Susrose Fatty ACID, Ring Roller Mill of SUCROSE FATTY ACID is concentrated, and the customers' favorite is received. Welcome to inquire!

ALPA cobalt acid lithium RING ROLLER MILL OF SUCROSE FATTY ACID case Sharing: Beijing Lithium Electric Materials Company purchased a Ring Roller Mill of Susrose Fatty ACID from our Alpa in 2020. Ultrafine pulverizer for lithium cobaltate, the company has three particle size requirements for lithium cobaltate, requires a device to be simultaneously satisfied. In response to the company's unique needs, our ALPA engineers have finally made a Ring Roller Mill of Susrose Fatty ACID in targeted. The pulverizer can meet the production requirements of multiple particle size sections, equipped with subsequent airflow classifier systems, and can be sorted by different particle size products.

Technical parameters:

finished particle size: lithium cobalt acid small particles D50: 3-6 μm; cobalt acidLithium large particles: 50: 8-20 μm; three-yuan material D50: 6-13μm;
Production capacity: lithium cobaltate small particles: 250kg of lithium cobalt acid lithium large particles: 500KG ternary: 500kg

[ 123] When you buy Ring Roller Mill of Susrose Fatty ACID, you need high pulverity and no loss. However, before purchasing, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the ultrafine pulverizer and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understanding, we can better choose and apply. Today, let us understand the disc air pulverizer:

1. Low powder temperature: no cooling system during continuous operation, the powder temperature generated Never less than 50 degrees;

2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or other spore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through 95%; 123]
3. Can be cleverly pulverized by adding water, alcohol or other liquid, or protective crushing by introducing gas;

After understanding the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, when you slightly When you purchase, you should pay more attention to it, then you will choose your satisfactory super fine pulverizer.

Shandong ALPA airflow crusher price, quality is more than German brand, environmental protection, granularity concentrated, explosion-proof dustproof. Welcome to inquire.

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