Rotor Grinder for Spherical Graphite

Date:2021-11-25 09:50:22 | Views:

In the classification operation of industrial production at this stage, the use of Rotor Grinder for Spherical Graphite is mainly targeted for the effective crushing of solid particles, and is the case where we are more commonly used in the ultrafine pulverization process.

The main application of Rotor Grinder for Spherical Graphite determines its extensive application range and finished product.
Typical materials are: super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, etc. High purity requirements: ceramic color, medicine, biochemistry, etc., low temperature requirements: medicine, PVC. By changing the normal air of the gas source into an inert gas such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas, it can be used as an inert gas protection device. Suitable for crushing of flammable and explosive and oxidative materials.

ALPA Quartz Powder Rotor Grinder for Spherical Graphite Case Sharing:

A mining company specializes in the development and production of stone-shaped sand, silicon fine powder,
company produces various models, various quality indicators Quartz sand and water washing stone sand is widely used in: glass and glass products, metallurgical manufacturing, cast steel, precision cast, furnace, refractory, ceramic glaze, ceramic billet, rubber, coating, etc. Guide, negotiate business!
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D100: 11.5UM
Hour Yield: 380kg

Rotor Grinder for Spherical Graphite's daily maintenance

1, during production It is necessary to check the temperature rise of the bearing frequently, when the temperature rise exceeds 50 ° C, should be closed, and the reason is to rule out the fault.
2, when the new machine is running, the drive belt is easy to elongate, and should pay attention to adjust the appropriate looseness of the belt to ensure the work life of the belt.
3, if the loss case should be checked frequently, replace the quality and production volume in time.
4, the blade, the bushing should often check the wear situation. If the wear is worn, the productivity is lowered, and the particle size is replaced after the particle size is replaced.
5, the host and the graded flow bearing are lipids, and the No. 2 special lipids are used 265-295.
6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, and the amount of the grease is filling the amount of the space in the bearing cavity (episode) or 3/4 (lower test) cut, not too much to fill the grease, otherwise The bearing temperature is too high.
7. The spiral feeder has been changed during the change of the lipid of 4,000 hours, and the calcium-based grease is added.

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