Pin Crusher of Sulphur

Date:2021-11-29 11:10:19 | Views:

Because Pin Crusher of Sulphur is widely used in all walks of life, research and development of classifying machines at home and abroad pay great attention. In the current market, there is a great development space.

The Pin Crusher of Sulphur Equipment is also a market that surveillance the fittest, which controls the performance of the equipment is an important factor in meeting customer needs.

The market sales of a piece of equipment is also the most cost-effective data, then in this invisible market, what is the factor in the market sales of PIN CRUSHER OF SULPHUR?
First, the performance of the device. The choice of it is to ask it to bring better production benefits for investment projects, so there is high-yield low energy advantage, and then environmental protection, etc., in addition to this, can reduce artificial dependence Sex, this requires the equipment's intelligence, which is the basic needs of the client for milling equipment.
Second, PIN CRUSHER OF Sulphur Production Quality Problem. The quality is mainly due to the life, and if the quality is not good, it is prone to failure in production, which in turn affects the efficiency of the equipment, and will also increase production costs, so manufacturers must ensure that the machine has excellent quality, generally passed Excellent production of materials to complete this need, in addition to this, its welding process should be improved, there is no air hole, etc., otherwise the life of the mill is also difficult to be guaranteed;

Third, manufacturers service. If the manufacturer's attitude is good, the service provided is comparative week, then the customer is easier to buy, because many people now pay attention to the service problem, especially the price of this large equipment is more expensive, if the value is worth it or super For the words, customers will prefer.

ALPA Battery Powder PIN CRUSHER OF Sulphur Case Sharing:
A Industrial Company's main business scope is: new energy storage materials, electronic ceramic materials technology and industries, secondary resource re-production Technological and industrial, biological engineering and organic polymer materials, electronic products and network products technology development, technology transfer, technical training; manufacturing, sales and development products and related materials and equipment; international technical cooperation and related fields trade, technology Talent training; export business and technical import and export business for the export business of our own products and technologies and the import and export business of mechanical equipment, zero accessories, raw and auxiliary materials and technologies needed.

Case parameters:

Product particle size: D50: 5.8UM
Hour Yield: 800kg

Let's learn together with Xiaobian to learn the PIN CRUSHER OF Sulphur inspection steps.
PIn Crusher of Sulphur uses air separation, heavy polishing, shear, and is used to achieve dry material ultrafine pulverized equipment. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber through the feed port, and is crushed along the grinding rail, and the crush is achieved. The pulverized material passes out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, and the material collection system is entered, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed.

A disc airflow pulverizer first carefully checks whether there is damage in the transportation in the transportation, then put the high machine and the auxiliary electrical control unit in place, and then turn on the pipeline of the main aircraft, each When equipped with a tube, the \"iron anchor 609\" is used to protect the \"iron anchor 609\" to ensure the sealing of the pipe, and each single machine and pipe are connected to the ground wire and grounded to avoid dust explosion caused by electrostatic sparks. Before each stand-alone trial operation, check whether there is a metal item in the machine, if there is an exclusion. Whether the bolt is firm and the tightness of the belt, the reliability of the shield, and the like. After five minutes of empty bus, the operator should carefully observe the various instruments on the control cabinet, and they can be pushed. After the feed, the current is not allowed to exceed the rated value of 32.6A, otherwise it should be subtracted to ensure that the normal operation of the discharge is fixed. The stepless shift handle of the classifier can change the speed of the hierarchy, and achieve the excellent adjustment of the product. If the product particle size is required, the speed can be improved, and the rotational speed is reduced, and large particle size particles can be reduced.

The above is that the user receives the normal acceptance operation process after receiving the PIN CRUSHER OF Sulphur product. You can try to identify the use.

The company can provide free experiments and testing, and provide 24-hour consultation Service, welcome.

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