Cell Crusher for Sodium Stearate

Date:2021-11-29 11:10:08 | Views:

The people currently used in daily life are also more, the airflow pulverizer is smashed into the standard size, which is generally smashed into micrometers, usually our equipment is more The device is constructed, usually composed of a portion of a coarse, fine powder or a wind device, or the like. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

Crushing product except for particle size, there is also a narrow particle size distribution, smooth particle surface, particle shape regular, high purity, high activity, good dispersibility. Since Cell Crusher For Sodium Stearate generates a Juromon cooling effect during the pulverization process, it is also suitable for ultrafine pulverization of low melting point and thermal material.

The gas-solid ratio in the pulverization process is an important technical parameter and important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. However, if the gas ratio is too high, not only waste energy, but even the dispersion performance of certain particulate materials will also be deteriorated. When the particle size of the feed is pulverized, the particle size of the feed is more stringent.
When the titanium powder is pulverized, when the calcined material is pulverized, it is necessary to control 100-200 mesh; the material after the pulverization surface is generally 40-70, and cannot exceed 2-5 mesh.

ALPA Peel Cell Cell Crusher for Sodium Stearate Case Sharing: The company has a food professional processing company in R \u0026 D, processing and sales, and has been discovered by multi-examination and discovery or our AlPA's Cell Crusher for Sodium Stearate to meet all needs.

Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 2T +/- 10%

When you purchase Cell Crusher For Sodium Stearate, you need high pulverity and no loss. However, before buying, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the crusher and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understanding, we can better choose and apply. Today we will learn about Cell Crusher for Sodium Stearate:

1. Low powder temperature: no cooling system during continuous operation, the powder temperature is never It is below 50 degrees;

2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or other spore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through95%;

3. Ultrafine pulverizer can be cleverly pulverized by adding water, alcohol or other liquid, or by introducing gas for protective crushing.

After understanding the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, you should pay more attention to it when you purchase later, so you will choose a superfine pulverizer you satisfied.

Shandong AlPa is a source manufacturer specializing in Cell Crusher For Sodium Stearate, all the year round to provide equipment for domestic and foreign customers, welcome to inquire!

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