Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID

Date:2021-11-30 17:33:20 | Views:

Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID This product technology has been widely valued by the industry. The grinding mechanism of Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID is mainly used to determine its wide range of applications, high fine, typical materials: super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, high purity requirements: ceramic pigment, medicine, biochemistry, medicine . Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic Acid converts the normal gas from the gas source portion to nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other inert gas, is an inert gas protection device for use in the flammable and explosive, oxidative material, pulverization, grading, and processing.

Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID is a speed, collide with each other, or collide with the target to achieve a pulverization effect.

Generally, the high-speed airflow accelerated pulverized solid particles have the following three ways:

(1) Airflow particles accelerate nozzle: After the airflow and the particles are mixed, the particles can be obtained. Very high speed (almost the same speed of airflow speed), but the material wears in the nozzle in the nozzle, rarely used in practical applications.
(2) Syringe Acceleration Particles: High Speed \u200b\u200b(Ultrasonic Speed) airflow and particles mix accelerate in the mixing tube, the particles obtain a higher speed, but the material is severe to the mixing tube.
(3) Free airflow acceleration particles: particles enter the high-speed airflow in the form of freely drop, only the high-speed air flow is passed through the nozzle and the wear is small.

ALPA Pigment Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID Case Sharing: This customer needs to use the pigment ultrafine pulverization equipment during its production. Through the ultrafine pulverization of the pigment, improve the product's quality, after many other than the same type of equipment, finally chose our ALPA's Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic Acid. Compared with the same type of equipment, our company's product reliability is higher, the pulverized particle size is more uniform, and the particle size after pulverization is narrow, and there will be no too much particle size range.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D90: 13μm;

Production capacity: 130kg / h

Ultra Turbo Mill of Sublimed Salicylic ACID Machine Maintenance and Store: [ 1, often inspect the fastening conditions of each component, preventing looseness from falling off, damaging the machine.
2, each oilThe hole should be refueling often, and the bearing portion is cleaned every half year of the lithium based grease.

4, when the machine is deactivated, the external debris should be cleared, and the grease is filled with all the rotating parts, stored in the storage of air drying, non-corrosive gas.

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