Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz

Date:2021-11-30 17:39:53 | Views:

With the continuous advancement of crusher technology, Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz has been familiar with people. The most popular crushing equipment is now the Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz. It has a wide variety, available for laboratory, home and factory use. It has a wide range of production, high energy consumption, high automation, and high classification quality.

The crushing product is in addition to the particle size, and the particle size distribution is narrow, the particle name is smooth, the particle shape is high, and the high activity is high, the dispersibility is good.

ALPA Sodium Handa Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz Case Sharing: This customer is mainly engaged in high energy chemistry, hydrogen production and hydrogen energy development, special gas, fine chemical, environmental engineering, etc. The research institute requires a device that can be superfined with sodium chlorate. Find a domestic powder equipment enterprise. Finally, I bought a Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz in our AlPa.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 100-325 目
Production capacity: 500kg

Today we understand how the usual rod pin grinder for pink quartz is maintained.
First, the air blower
1. Because the blades in the fan are particularly easy to accumulate, so they must clean the dust in the fan every week.
2, add the bearing box once a month.
3, if there is an abnormality in the fan, it is necessary to stop the ultrafine gas flow classifier for inspection.
Second, the host
1, you should check the graded impeller, spiral feeder, smash nozzle each year, see if there is wear, whether there is a place to replace.
2, running to a certain time, in order not to affect the use of ultrafine gas flow grading machine, some parts must be cleaned.
3, the bearing should make the right amount of lubrication, which will make the temperature abnormally.
Third, the planet waste valve
1, if the ultrafine airflow classifier has an abnormality, it must be downtown immediately.
2, the impeller and the body are cleaned every three months.
3, plus lubricants should also have every three.
Welcome everyone chooses Shan Dong Alpa, the company is committed to the product and service of the airflow crusher, our company provides Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz for a long time, if you have our Rod Pin Grinder for Pink Quartz feelInterest, please feel free to contact us.

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