Cell Mills of Special Glass

Date:2021-12-01 11:37:58 | Views:

It is well known that Cell Mills of Special Glass This product technology has received extensive attention from the industry.

What are the advantages of Cell Mills of Special Glass? Let's take a look at it.

First, the pulverized particle size is small, the distribution is uniform. Because the power distribution on the Cell Mills of Special Glass material is quite uniform. The ultrafine pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine pulverization of dry materials by using air separation, high pressure comminution, shear and other techniques. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a grinding wheel, a wear rail, a fan, a material collection system, etc. The setting of the grading system not only strictly limits large particles, but also avoids the occurrence of pulverization, thereby obtaining a uniform powder having a uniform particle size distribution. At the same time, the specific surface area of \u200b\u200bfine powder increases, and the amount of adsorption and solubility are also increased accordingly.
Second, reduce pollution, more environmentally friendly: ultrafine pulverization is carried out in a closed system, which avoids the pollution of fine powder to the surrounding environment, and prevents dust pollution products in the air. Therefore, Cell Mills of Special Glass applies the technology to food and health products, which can effectively control the specific gravity of microorganisms and dust. The ultrafine pulverization speed is high and can be pulverized at low temperatures. Ultra-fine pulverization technology is smashed with ultrasonic air flow, cold grinding and other methods, which are completely different from the conventional pure mechanical pulverization method. After the gas fine particles are broken to the high-speed cyclone separator, the high-speed cyclone separator is broken, and the high-speed cyclone separator enters the coarse-grain separator, and then enters the coarse grain separation zone via the high-speed cyclone separator, and then enters the coarse grain separation area through high speed. Centrifugal separator.
Third, during the grinding process, there will be no local overheating phenomenon, and can even be smash at low temperatures, fast speed, and can be completed instantly.
Therefore, the bioactive ingredients in the powder can be minimized to produce the desired high quality products.

ALPA Pigments Cell Mills of Special Glass Case Sharing: The customer needs to use the pigment ultrafine pulverization equipment during its production. Through the ultrafine pulverization of the pigment to improve the product's quality, after many other than the same type of equipment, we finally selected our AlPa Cell Mills of Special Glass. Compared with the same type of equipment, our company's product reliability is higher, the pulverized particle size is more uniform, and the particle size after pulverization is narrow, and there will be no too much particle size range.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D90: 13μm;
Production capacity: 130kg / h

Let's introduce you to Cell Mills of Special GlasCleaning:

1, other components of the cleaning machine: mainly using the outer screw cleaning the grinding machine cover and components.These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.
2, cleaning the pulverizer.
The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said.The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point.Different jet mills have different functions.We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.

Shandong AlPa is a source manufacturer specializing in Cell Mills of Special Glass, and has provided devices for domestic and foreign customers all year round. Welcome to inquire!

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