Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina

Date:2021-12-08 10:51:05 | Views:

In the classification operation of industrial production at this stage, the use of Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina is mainly targeted by solid particles. It is also a commonly used comminution in the product ultrafine pulverization process.

The components of Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina include drive motors, pulveration wheels, fine powder and coarse powder outlets, raw materials inlets and two air imports. In addition, it is widely used and is a very good machine. Vertical air pulverizer can be used in squares, crystalline stone, quartz, gypsum, silica, corundum, cement, alumina, etc., which plays an important role.

ALPA Trimage Material Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina Case Sharing:
A lithium-electric material company main product is \"lithium electrode material\", the most important constituent material of lithium ion battery includes electrolyte, isolation material, positive electrode Materials, negative electrode materials, housing, etc. High-end lithium battery sector requirements for sexy life life.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D50: 9.1μm
hour yield: 300kg

Ultra Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina Operating procedure
1, check the lubrication before booting Have oil.
2, clearing the metal, sand, stone and other debris in the material to prevent damage to the machine.
3, the hand must not reach into the feed port, and the cover must not be opened in the operation.
4, the screen aperture should be appropriately selected, and the damage is required.
5. It is strictly forbidden to start the load, the machine is running a minute and then feeds, and the appropriate amount of water is marked.
6, the air is idling in front of 2 minutes to turn off the machine.

Vibration Pulverizer of Calcined Alumina has a lot of use, and I want to know more about the superfine gratie grace machine, welcome to consult with us!

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