Pin Pulverizer for Color Mixing

Date:2021-12-08 10:51:20 | Views:

PIN Pulverizer for Color Mixing is a crushing device commonly used in industrial production. Due to its excellent performance, it is widely used in the crushing operations of various materials. Although the efficiency of this work is very prominent, we still have to look at the machine, just like a normal machine, check the machine, eliminate the machine failure, make the machine more efficient and safely.

Pin Pulverizer for Color Mixing equipment market is also a market that is the final of the fittest, which controls the performance of the equipment is an important factor in meeting customer needs.

The market sales of a device also describe the cost-effective data, then in this invisible market, which factors are the market sales of PIN Pulverizer for Color Mixing?
First, the performance of the device. The choice of it is to ask it to bring better production benefits for investment projects, so there is high-yield low energy advantage, and then environmental protection, etc., in addition to this, can reduce artificial dependence Sex, this requires the equipment's intelligence, which is the basic needs of the client for milling equipment. Quality Problems in Production in Pin Pulverizer for Color Mixing. The quality is mainly due to the life, and if the quality is not good, it is prone to failure in production, which in turn affects the efficiency of the equipment, and will also increase production costs, so manufacturers must ensure that the machine has excellent quality, generally passed Excellent production of materials to complete this need, in addition to this, its welding process should be improved, there is no air hole, etc., otherwise the life of the mill is also difficult to be guaranteed;

Third, manufacturers service. If the manufacturer's attitude is good, the service provided is comparative week, then the customer is easier to buy, because many people now pay attention to the service problem, especially the price of this large equipment is more expensive, if the value is worth it or super For the words, customers will prefer.

Alpa Quartz Powder Pin Pulverizer for Color Mixing Case Sharing:
A new material company is a high-tech enterprise engaged in electronic grade silicon fine powder production and development. The company has a number of silicon micron powder production lines, annual production of crystalline silicon fine powder, molten silicon fine powder, surface treatment silicon fine powder and other specifications. The company has always adhered to customer-centric, luxuriant needs to respond quickly and continuous innovation, and is committed to becoming a supplier of leading powder materials applications in the industry.
We continue to innovate around our customers, and work with partners. We are committed to electronic materials, electrical insulation materials, special ceramics, precision castings, paint coatings, and other functionsSexual use provides competitive solutions and services to create value for customers.

Case parameters:

Product particle size: D97: 5-75UM
Hour Yield: 20-100kg

How does PIN Pulverizer for Color Mixing life? Here are the following aspects:
1, during the production process, the temperature rise of the bearing must be regularly checked. When the temperature rises to 50 ° C, inspection should be checked, find a reason, troubleshooting.
2, when the new machine runs, the transmission belt is easily stretched, and the tightness of the belt should be adjusted to ensure the life of the belt.

3, regular inspections for the lids, promptly guarantee the quality of production and production.

4, the blades and bushing should always check the wear situation. When wear, the productivity is lowered, and the grain is thick.
5, host and gradient flow bearing oil grease lubrication, dedicated grease, and degree 265-295.
6, the cycle of the bearing is 2000 hours. The amount of the grease is filled into a 1/2 (upper test) or 3/4 (below the test), so we can't add too much grease. Otherwise, the bearing temperature is too high.
7. The spiral feeder is 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.
As a 20-year powder engineering equipment manufacturer, Shandong, Shandong, has more than 3,000 customers at home and abroad, has always led the front of the industry, so before consulting, you need to provide crushing materials. Feature information, enterprising granular parameters, production yield range, purity requirements, specific process requirements (anti-high temperature, explosion-proof, anti-dust pollution, etc.), professional engineers provide appropriate equipment models or system solutions. Welcome to inquire.

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