Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black

Date:2021-12-13 09:09:42 | Views:

Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, the AlPa crusher is fine, and the granules are delicate, affordable.

Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black is affixed to the powder industry. Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black uses compressed air to be frozen, filtered, dried, and the ultrasonic air flow is formed by nozzle, and the pulverizing chamber is injected. Accelerated materials gather in the intersection of multiple nozzles jet gas flow, resulting in severe collision, friction and shearing, thereby achieving ultrafine pulverization of particles. Air flow grinding has the characteristics of low energy consumption, stable operation, simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance. It is real multi-purpose, high efficiency, low-cost new crushing equipment. It can be said that modern industrial production is inseparable from airborne flow, but air flow milling equipment often requires continuous operation, long working hours, which is greater than the equipment itself is large.

ALPA lithium iron phosphate Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black case Share: This customer is expanding in the production process, through comparison discovery that the performance of our AlPA's lithium iron phosphate special crusher is not better than other powders at home and abroad. The same type of equipment in physical equipment is poor, and even in some aspects there are unique advantages. After experiment, the company purchased Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D50: 3μm
Production capacity: 400kg

Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black installation notes

1, the classifier, Host equipment such as wind turbines performs preliminary examination, there is an organic damage during transportation or long-term storage, seeing that there is no abnormality in the equipment inner cavity and fan airway, rotating the grading impeller and fan spindle, and observes whether it is flexible.
2. Check the degree of fastening of the equipment pre-installed components, and must be added to the lubricating oil to be lubricated.
3, the mounting grading wheel should strictly prevent collision, classify the host, and the fan should be tested, and the level is specified by the gasket, and there is a basic requirements and the foundation fixation.
4, require the sealing pipe interface to configure the sealing gasket.
5, after the layout machine is installed, first observe the direction of grading motor.
6. When the control cabinet is installed, the corresponding relationship between the terminal sequence number and the equipment is carefully verified.
7After the installation is completed, the first empty car is running for 1-2 hours, and the loose bolt is tightened, carefully check the accuracy and coordination of the equipment action.

Welcome everyone to choose our Shandong AlPa, company specializing in the production and development and service of gas flow crusher product technology, the company provides customers with secure and reliable Hammer Pulverizer for White Carbon Black products and services,The worries of the majority of customers.

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