Pin Pulverizer for Steel Powder

Date:2021-12-13 09:09:28 | Views:

PIN Pulverizer for Steel Powder as a clean, efficient, high-level, high-yield of advanced crusher model in the pulverization of Western medicine raw materials, is very wide, from dozens of micro test test At the time of hundreds of tons of large production, gas flow milling with narrow particle size distribution, average particle size; good powder shape, high product purity; suitable for low melting point, thermistory drug; good sealable, low pollution; Easy to operate; crushing-mixed-dry online operations, etc. have been widely recognized by the company.

The breed of Pin Pulverizer for Steel Powder now is very large, and its crushing quality and level are also very large. In general, assessing crushing properties in crushing is expressed in crushing efficiency, pulverizing precision. However, the definition of crushing efficiency and pulverization accuracy has many inconveniences in practical applications. Through the general definitions of the crushing efficiency of the assessment of unity and disadvantage of the assessment of crushing properties.

Alpa White Carbon Black Pin Pulverizer for Steel Powder Case Sharing: The company is a company engaged in white carbon black production. A ultra-fine pulverization apparatus for producing two granular white carbon products can be generated in the production process. After investigation, we finally purchased our AlPa's Pin Pulverizer for Steel Powder.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D50: 6.78 D90: 12.8μm
Production capacity: 30kg

In the production of Pin Pulverizer for Steel Powder, there is a comminuted application There is a lot of dust, if a large amount of dust will have a certain impact on the environment, how should we deal with?

Next, a few ways:
1, install the dust collector: general now this dust removal Used with powder classifier, it is discharged from dust income to the bag, and dust is filtered by the dust cleaner;
2, the bag is dustproof: the bag is tight, prevent leakage pink. Attention should be paid attention to parking, and the dust should be cleaned in time.
3, woodllar or pool dust removal: mainly using the ventilator to vacuum to the crushing, then vacuum, or vacuum through the pool.
Shandong AlPa is a company with more than 20 years of gas generated enterprises. After years of gradual precipitation and accumulation, experienced, with multiple patented technologies. In the years, the airflow mill has been provided for domestic and foreign customers, there will be tens of thousands of equipment, often have a customer to order our products again, enough to explain the reputation of the Shandong AlPa airflow mill. Welcome to call if necessaryconsult!

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