Rod Pin Pulverizer for Solid Mannitol

Date:2021-12-13 09:09:14 | Views:

Rod Pin Pulverizer for Solid Mannitol As a clean, efficient, high-level, high-yield of advanced crusher models in crushing, extensive, from dozens of micro trials to the time With a few hundred tons of large production, Rod Pin Pulverizer for Solid Mannitol is narrow, the particle size distribution is narrow, the average particle size is fine; the powder has good shape, the product is high; suitable for low melting point, thermal drug; good sealable, low pollution Easy to operate; crushing - mixed - dry online operations have been widely recognized by the company.

Rod Pin Pulverizer for Solid Mannitol is a commonly used airflow pulverization method, also known as fluid energy mill for micronization of solid materials. In many cases, the micronization process is generally considered to be a black box that produces fine powder and crude particles.

ALPA Battery Rod Pin Pulverizer for Solid Mannitol Case Sharing:

A energy company is a battery positive material production enterprise, with multiple production bases. The company's business scope includes new materials and main products research and development, battery materials and their accessories research, etc. The top of the list.

Case parameters: D50: 15μm
Hour Yield: 300kg

How to control the size of the particle size?
The smaller particle size of the raw material, smash The higher the efficiency, the larger the particle size of the raw material, so the crushing effect is relatively low. In the case of crushing pressure and feed pressure, reduce the feed speed product will be finer, and improve the feed speed product will become thick. In the case of a feed rate, the particle size of the pulverized pressure is improved, and the pulverization pressure is reduced, and the product will become thick.

So the particle size control is the adjustment of the parameters during the pulverizer to achieve different pulverized fineness, and it is necessary to measure the relationship between the feed velocity and pressure before crushing and then determine the appropriate pulverization parameters.

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