Rod Pin Mill Machine of Carboxymethyl Cellulose

Date:2021-12-15 10:56:22 | Views:

Today's industrial requirements have significantly improved, and thinner powder is conducive to the deep processing of the product, thus makes the product more value. Rod Pin Mill Machine of Carboxymethyl Cellulose can effectively improve the level of massage of materials and greatly improve productivity. Rod Pin Mill Machine of Carboxymethyl Cellulose has received attention, and the prospect has also been optimistic about many people.

ROD PIN MILL MACHINE OF Carboxymethyl Cellulose is an apparatus that uses air separation, heavy polishing and shearing to achieve a dry material ultrafine pulverized. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a grinding wheel, a wear rail, a fan, a material acquisition system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical crushing chamber through the feed port and is pulverized and pulverized by a grinding wheel moving around the wear rail. The pulverized material is taken out from the crushing chamber through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan and enter the material collection system. After filtering the filter bag, the air is discharged, collecting materials and dust, and completes broken.

ALPA Gypsum Rod Pin Mill Machine of Carboxymethyl Cellulose Case Sharing: The company is a more well-known non-metallic mine company in South Africa. The company's main product is a super fine ultra-fine micropowder of the non-metallic mine and other non-metallic mines such as plaster. Through our website, the company learned our equipment and saw our case.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D97: 5UM
Production capacity: 140kg

Rod Pin Mill Machine of CarboxyMethyl Cellulose's daily maintenance is a very important part, hereby Rod Pin Mill Machine of CarboxyMethyl Cellulose maintenance method.

1. When the machine starts or starts, the appropriate amount of grease should be applied to ensure its life.
2. Check if the screws and nuts of each component are tightened. Check if the belt is smashed, whether it is tight.
3, regularly check the reliability of the equipment, prevent accidents or accidents.
4, the direction of operation of the spindle should be correct. If it is incorrect, it should be handled in time to avoid damage to the machine.
5, equipment maintenance should be carried out by professional and technical personnel, and others must not be carried out to avoid damage to the equipment.
6, electrical components andThe line should be checked regularly, whether it is intact, whether the ground is reliable.
7. The equipment should be cleaned in time to prevent the next use to avoid contaminating materials.

For friends who want to know other crusher industry knowledge can also log in to the website.If you are interested in our Rod Pin Mill Machine Of Carboxymethyl Cellulose, please feel free to contact us.

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