Pin Pulverizer of Baked Wheat

Date:2021-12-22 10:04:23 | Views:

The people currently used in daily life are also more, the airflow pulverizer is smashed into the standard size, which is generally smashed into micrometers, usually our equipment is more The device is constructed, usually composed of a portion of a coarse, fine powder or a wind device, or the like. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

The variety of Pin Pulverizer of Baked Wheat is now very large, and the quality of the pulverization is very large. In general, assessing crushing properties in crushing is expressed in crushing efficiency, pulverizing precision. However, the definition of crushing efficiency and pulverization accuracy has many inconveniences in practical applications. Through the general definitions of the crushing efficiency of the assessment of unity and disadvantage of the assessment of crushing properties.

ALPA potassium permanganate PIN Pulverizer of Baked Wheat Sharing: This customer is mainly engaged in the development of high energy chemical energy development. The study needs a device that can make ultraf fine pulverized in high potassium permanganate. Finally, we bought a pin pulverizer of baked wheat in our Alpa.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity:
100-325 目
Production capacity: 5kg

To achieve better use, you must pay attention to PIN Pulverizer of Baked Wheat cut daily maintenance, pay attention to the following:
1. In the production process, the gas flow baffle should be checked regularly. When the temperature rise exceeds 50 ° C, the examination should be stopped, find out the cause, and troubleshoot.
2. When using the pulverizer, the drive belt is easily stretched, and should pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.
3. Test and timely replacement of vulnerable parts should often be performed to ensure quality and production.
4. Continuously check the wear of blade and bushing, if the productivity is lowered, the particles are thicker, and will be replaced after wear.
5. The change period of the pulverizer bearing is 2000 hours, and the amount of the bearing cavity is 1 ≤ 2 (try) or 3 ≤ 4 (try), otherwise the bearing temperature is too high.

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