Vibration Pulverizer of Wheat Germ

Date:2021-12-24 11:40:39 | Views:

With the continuous increase in social needs, Vibration Pulverizer of Wheat Germ continues to improve in the use of performance, finished product quality, service life, etc., very well, which is well processed into microtes and even nanoscale fine powder, and it is already chemical industry. , Food, pesticides, cosmetics, dyes, coatings, electrons, etc. have been widely used.

The Vibration Pulverizer of Wheat Germ is a set of grading systems, grading machines and cyclone separators, dust collectors, and airformations. It can be accurately classified from 200-5000 destination materials, and the material is moved by the casing of the stratigraphic airflow at the lower airflow at the bottom of the flushing airflow to separate the crude material. Separate, The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel blade gap. The crude particles are partially fine particles to hit the wall, and the roll wall drops to the secondary tight air, the strong Amoy of the second wind The washing is separated, and the fine particles rises to the secondary grade of the fractionation region, and the crude particles are dropped to the unloading port. This can be accurately graded out of the 1000 purpose powder required by this customer.

Alpa Quartz Powder Vibration Pulverizer of Wheat Germ Case Sharing:

A silicon material company main business scope includes: quartz, 坩 waste processing, production; silicon fine powder, square stone, molten stone, quartz sand, kaolin , Flame retardant sales; self-operated and proxy products and technical import and export business

Case parameters:
Product particle size: D97: 5-75UM
Hour Yield: 20-100kg

In the production process, we should pay attention to maintenance and maintenance of Vibration Pulverizer of Wheat Germ.

1. In the production process, the bearing temperature should be checked regularly. When the temperature rises above 50 degrees Celsius, the machine should be stopped to find the cause and troubleshoot.

2, when the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easily elongated. Pay attention to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.
3, which should be regularly inspected, replace it in time, ensuring production quality and production.
4, the wear of the blade and lining should be checked regularly. If the productivity is lowered after the wear, the grain size is thicker and the wear is immediately replaced.
5, the host and the hierarchical flow bearing use grease lubrication.

6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, the amount of the grease is 1/2 or 3/4 of the bearing cavity space. (Lower test) The temperature of the bearing will be too high.
7, the spiral feeder changes the fat period of 4,000 hours, plus ordinary calcium based grease.
8, in the output shaft E, i.e., pulley E, avoid heavy hush, damage to the part.
9. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle of the handwheel in the stop.
10, the lubricator used by the governor adopts N32 alkaline high-zinc high anti-milling oil, and the reducer uses 401 universal lubricants and cannot be replaced by other machines.
11. After 3000 hours, the new oil should be replaced, and then used after 500 hours of oil for the second change, then use it after 1000 hours.

If you still have questions, you can directly contact the ALPA Technology Co., Ltd., warmly welcome users to come to consult, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is a suitable for you!

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