Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon

Date:2021-12-24 11:40:56 | Views:

Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, the AlPa crusher is fine, and the granules are delicate, affordable.

When Ring Roller Mill MACHINE For Activated Carbon screen material, the screen has good unusuality under the air pressure of the rotating duct. At the same time, under the gravity of the air blower, the screen collects the qualified material, and automatically discharges the material in the front cavity of the valve body by the unloading valve. The raw material powder driven by the compressed air is continuously supplied to the pulverizer without a rotating member. By accurate control of the airflow into three products: F fine powder, m powder and G coarse powder, and collected in subsequent cyclone dust collectors and dust collectors.

The material is driven by the blower of the airflow pulverizer. The lower end of the pulverizer is moved upward to the pulverization region, the strongest, and the strongest effluent is separated under a high speed rotary pulverized turbine. The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are entered into the cyclone or dust collector by the gap of the pulverized wheel blade. After collecting, some of the thick particles of the fine particles disappear and drops along the cylinder wall to two air ports. The crude particles and fine particles are separated by strong purification of the two winds, and the fine particles rises twice as the grade region, and the crude particles fall to the discharge exit.

ALPA Baked Wheat Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon Case: This customer is a seasoning company, in the production process, it is necessary to use a small and smashing of baking wheat. equipment. Investigate a number of domestic enterprises in China, and finally chose our AlPa as partners, and purchased Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon from us.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D99.9: 180 mesh
Production capacity: 400kg

Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon Cold When there is oil, it is timely clean

Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon has been replaced an essential device in the field of industrial manufacturing. As a common production equipment, it is not only advantageous, and sometimes Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon will damage. Let's take a look at how to check the repair equipment.
JapaneseRing Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon To check the power outlet, plug, the power cord is no oxygen offset, the break, if you do not have a power test machine, when the motor is powered, light the wheel with a hand When it is rotatable, it can be determined that one capacity invalid in the two boot capacitors of the machine. If you can make a discharge spark and a very frightening, the capacitor can be used; if the sparks and sound are weak, the capacity of the capacitance has decreased, and the new or add a small capacitor. The airflow pulverizer does not use this method if the capacitor has damaged the short circuit, and it must be replaced with the same size new product.

In addition to Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon, there is also a rod grinding high speed pulverizer. This general quality is very good, and daily maintenance is more important. This type of airflow pulverizer maintenance focus. Check if the lubrication of the bearing is good to check if all fasteners are tight. Check if the drive belt is installed correctly and the situation is good. Check if the protective device is good. If the protective device is found, it should be excluded in time. Check that there is no material or other debris in the damage chamber, if it is sometimes cleaned. Check if the hydraulic starting machine head or the starting roof rod is returned, the adjustment space is installed correctly and compact.

The above is the knowledge of the product daily maintenance and maintenance of the Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon.

Shan dong alpa mainly engaged in the production and development and service of Ring Roller Mill Machine for Activated Carbon product technology, welcome to consult. With good quality and service, affordable prices, customer-oriented attitudes provide airflow crushing products and services.

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