Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat

Date:2021-12-24 11:42:05 | Views:

We all know that Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat is a strong airflow crushing equipment, many stubborn hard materials encountered a crusher to be cut into a uniform block of blocks,

Now market The variety of Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat is very large, and the quality of the pulverization and the level are very different. In general, assessing crushing properties in crushing is expressed in crushing efficiency, pulverizing precision. However, the definition of crushing efficiency and pulverization accuracy has many inconveniences in practical applications. Through the general definitions of the crushing efficiency of the assessment of unity and disadvantage of the assessment of crushing properties.

ALPA White Carbon Black Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat Case Sharing: The company is a company engaged in white carbon black production. A ultra-fine pulverization apparatus for producing two granular white carbon products can be generated in the production process. After investigation, we finally purchased our AlPa Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D50: 6.78 D90: 12.8μm
Production capacity: 30kg

What should I pay attention to? Before running, operator needs Confirm that the raw material feed tube entrance and exit have foreign matter. Whether there is any raw material at the exit. If the foreign matter is found to handle a clean and then boot.

When the grading machine is operating normally, in order to maintain the stability of the grading, the pressure of the supply tube compressed gas is required to be monitored. Check if the dust collector pressure loss of the laboratory classifier is stable.
Decompose, cleaning, inspected, and maintaining the laboratory classifier must be disconnected to avoid danger.

Impact Pulverizer for Buckwheat has a lot of use, I want to know more about the ultrafine gas flow classifier, welcome to consult with us!

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