Pin Pulverizer for Polymer Materials

Date:2021-12-24 11:42:20 | Views:

PIN Pulverizer for Polymer Materials This product technology has been widely valued by the industry. The polishing mechanism of Pin Pulverizer for Polymer Materials is mainly used to determine its wide range of applications, high fine, typical materials: super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, high purity requirements: ceramic pigment, medicine, biochemistry, medicine. Pin Pulverizer for Polymer Materials can convert ordinary gas from the gas source to inert gas such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, is an inert gas protection device, which is suitable for use in flammable and explosive, oxidative materials, pulverization, grading, and processing.

The distinction between the ultrafine pulverizer and the ordinary pulverizer in the crush:
The ordinary pulverizer can only be smashed into 200 mesh, and 200 mesh is 75 microns. It is the size of the flour, and the ordinary flour is about 80 mesh 160 mes, that is, 90 to 180 microns, this is the thickness of the ordinary pulverizer to print powder.
The ultrafine pulverizer can be super micro-pulverized, can be smashed to 10,000 mesh, 10,000 mesh is 1.3μm, which is equivalent to the particles of the flour, and then pulverized into 70 copies, each size is 10,000 mesh, can It is very thin.

ALPA Trimethal Material PIN Pulverizer for Polymer Materials Case Sharing: The company requires a three-dimensional material ultrafine pulverizer, and our AlPa's PIN Pulverizer for Polymer Material is also more well-known in the industry. There is a lot of proportion in the industry. Through experiments, the company purchased a Pin Pulverizer for Polymer Material for our company.

Technical parameters:
Finished product particle size: D50: 10μm
Production capacity: 5-10kg / h

PIN PULVERIZER for Polymer Materials Causes and Solutions can be carried out from the following aspects :

1, the hammer installation error in the maintenance assembly. When the hammer is turned off, in order to prevent the weight of the rotor from losing balance, all the hammers in the pulverizer must be turned out together, otherwise it will have a strong vibration in the operation.
2, the difference between the weight of the two sets of hammer exceeds 5 grams. The method of excluding is to adjust the weight of the hammer, so that the difference between the two sets of weight is less than 5 grams.
3, individual hammer card is too tight, there is no open in operation. After the stop, turn the observation with hand and find a way to turn the hammer flexible.
4, other parts of the rotorUnbalanced, then carefully check the adjustment balance.
5, the spindle bending deformation.The solution is to school straight or replacement.
6, the bearing gap exceeds damage.It is generally used to solve the problem.
7. The bottom angle fixing nut is not fixed in a fixed or running.The solution is tightening.

If you have something about other crushers, you want to know, welcome to consult!

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