Cell Pulverizer with Refractory Clay ORE

Date:2022-01-05 16:03:52 | Views:

The people currently used in daily life are also more, Cell Pulverizer with Refractory Clay is a large size of solid feedstock to standard size, usually smashed into micrometer level, usually our equipment There are multiple devices to consist, usually composed of a part of a coarse, fine powder or a wind device, etc. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

Cell Pulverizer with refractory class is used to crush the item, then the crushing items and tailings will also be discharged in time. When the pulverizer discharges these crushing items, there will be dust phenomena. .

How do I solve if the dust is too big?

1. Install the dust collector: Generally, this dust collector can now be used with a crusher. It puts dust income trapping bag, dust is filtered by the dust box;

2, cloth bag dustproof: cloth bag is tightly pulled with machine, prevent leakage drain. Attention should be paid attention to parking, and the dust should be cleaned in time.
3, woodllar or pool dust removal: mainly using the ventilator to vacuum to the crushing, then vacuum, or vacuum through the pool.

The above three dust removal methods can achieve a good dust removal effect, and can solve the problem of excessive dust, which is generally installed before working to prevent excessive dust.

ALPA Pea Protein Cell Pulverizer With Refractory Clay Ore Case Sharing: This customer is a food company in Russia. After looking for a lot of powder equipment companies, I didn't find the right equipment. . It has been influenced by the company's production and operation, and finally I saw the ultrafine pulverization of pea protein before our website. Finally, through the incoming experiment, I finally determined the purchase of the Cell Pulverizer With Refractory Clay in our company.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: 400 mesh

Production capacity: 1.5T

Cell Pulverizer with Refractory Clay Ore's motor conservation measures
1, check the lubrication of the bearing Whether it is goodGood
2, check if all fasteners of the pulverizer are fastened.
3, check whether the transmission belt is installed correctly and the situation is good. If the belt breakage should be replaced in time, when there is oil in the belt or the groove, apply a clean rag to clean.

4. Check if the protective device of the crusher is good. If the protective device is found to be abnormal, it should be excluded in time.

5. Check that there is an absence of material or other debris in the damage chamber. If it is sometimes handled in time.
6, check whether the hydraulic starting machine head or the starting rod is returned, and the gasket is adjusted to be properly and compressed.

Welcome everyone to inquire!

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