Rod Pin Mill Machine with slag

Date:2022-01-07 16:13:02 | Views:

Rod Pin Mill Machine with Slag is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, AlPa crushers are fine, granules are delicate, affordable.

ROD Pin Mill MACHINE WITH SLAG and cyclone separator, dust collectors and air machines have become a complete crushing system. After filtering the compressed air, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, and the material is repeated, friction and shear at the intersection of the multi-high pressure airflow.

The crushing material moves together with the rising airflow to the pulverized region under suction of the fan, producing a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotary pulley. Under the action of force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the pulverizing wheel according to particle size particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.
ALPA lysled carbon black Rod Pin Mill Machine with slag case sharing: The company is a renewable energy application company in Inner Mongolia, when the company recovers the waste tire, the ultrafine pulverized equipment needs to be used. Cracking carbon black for ultrafine pulverization. After many incidents, our ALPA Rod Pin Mill Machine with slag was selected.
Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D90: 500 目

Production capacity: 2T

Super Rod Pin Mill Machine with SLAG machine maintenance and storage notes:
1. Frequently inspect the fastening of each component, prevent it from slipping off, damaging the machine.

2, each oil injection hole should be refueling, and the bearing portion is cleaned every half year to fill the lithium-based grease.

4, when the machine is deactivated, the external debris should be cleared, and the grease is filled with all the rotating parts, stored in the storage of air drying, non-corrosive gas.

The above is the use of the Rod Pin Mill Machine With Slag brought to everyone, you can pay more attention to us!

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