Rod Pin Crusher with Air-Foam Rubber

Date:2022-01-11 09:50:00 | Views:

Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber is a kind of industrial equipment, with the needs of social development and people's lives, the industry is growing demand for a variety of fine flour, fineness, purity and pass rates the requirements are also increasing, application grader has become increasingly widespread.

in the production process, Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber use of compressed air through the main refrigeration equipment, after filtration and drying, the inside of the apparatus through an air nozzle forming an air flow supersonic. After a powerful pressure rotation into the grinding chamber, the material to be pulverized in the grinding chamber exhibits a fluidized form.

alpa chicken protein Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber Case Study: The company is a Spanish company, which needs to smash one kind of chicken protein, asked all over Europe several powder equipment company, did not the right equipment. Later, I learned that our ALPA, the testism sent us a message, and we didn't know if it was received after receiving the email. But our ALPA still decided to try it, and then let the customer maidens will be experimentally. Through multiple experiments, we have identified a crushing equipment that meet the particle size needs of the company. Finally, the company also purchases the series of equipment.
Technical parameters:
The product size: 100 m
capacity: 500KG

When you later Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber, you need a high crushing rate and without loss . However, before buying, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the crusher and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understood, we can better select and use, today we understand Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber:

1 low-temperature powder: no cooling system is running continuously, the resulting powder temperature is not lower than 50 degrees;.

2 which can be applied to any fibers, high toughness, high hardness, or a certain moisture content; spores to pollen or other plant material can destroy the cell walls break 95%;

3. comminuting mill alcohol or other liquid may be wet pulverization by addition of water, or that are protected by introducing a gas pulverization.

After understanding the characteristics of the ultrafine pulverizer, you should pay more attention to it when you purchase later, so you will choose a superfine pulverizer you satisfied.

alpa design and production Rod pin crusher with Air-Foam Rubber providedIt has been a very good reputation in actual production applications, and it has also won the praise of users and friends.If you need to purchase Rod Pin Crusher With Air-Foam Rubber, please feel free to contact us.

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