pin mill of Potassium sorbate

Date:2021-08-31 09:29:32 | Views:

Pin Mill OF POTASSIµm SORBATE can be used in the current stage of industrial production process, and AlPA has been committed to the development and application of equipment such as grading machines for many years, and we produced during the development process of many years. The classification machine has gradually begun to develop in the direction of modernization, and we believe that we can provide a complete set of production planning programs for our customers.

Pin Mill of Potassium Sorbate will rise during work, and when the temperature of the working fluid is too high, the flow rate of the gas will increase. Taking air as an example, the critical speed at room temperature is 320 m / sec, and when the temperature rises to 480 ° C, the critical speed can be increased to 500 m / sec, that is, the kinetic energy increases by 150%. Therefore, increasing the temperature of the working fluid is conducive to improving pulverization. The pressure of the working fluid is the main parameters of the jet speed, but also the main parameters affecting the fineness of the break. Typically, the higher the pressure of the working fluid, the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy.
When titanium powder is pulverized by superheated steam, the vapor pressure is usually from 0.8 to 1.7 MPa, and generally pulverized calcined material is high, and the material after the pulverized surface is low.

ALPA baked wheat Pin Mill of Potassium sorbate case sharing: The customer is a seasoning company, which requires an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized wheat after baking during its production. Investigate a number of domestic companies in China, and finally chose our AlPA as a partner, and purchased the Pin Mill of Potassium Sorbate from us.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D99.9: 180 mesh
Production capacity: 400kg

Welcome everyone to choose Shandong Alpa Powder Technology Co., Ltd., the company is committed to airflow pulverizer Products and services, our company provides Pin Mill of Potassium Sorbate for a long time, and the price is low. If you are interested in our PIN MILL OF Potassium Sorbate, please feel free to contact us.

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