cell mill of Chemical pigment

Date:2021-08-31 09:31:22 | Views:

With the continuous advancement of pulverizer technology, Cell Mill of Chemical Pigment has been familiar with people. The most popular comminution is now the Cell Mill of Chemical Pigment. It has a wide variety, available in laboratory, home and factory use. It has the advantages of large productivity, low energy consumption, high automation, and high classification quality, and has been widely used.

Cell Mill of Chemical Pigment is mainly used for more refined materials. The pulverized particle diameter is 1.5 to 0.005 mm, and the crude material is sieved.

The principle of pulverization is substantially the same as the hydraulic level, and the above settlement theory can also be used for airflow classification. However, in the airflow classification, since the density and viscosity of the air are much smaller than the density and viscosity of water, the same particles are more settled in the air than in the water. Moreover, the density and viscosity of the air vary with temperature and pressure.

In order to cause air flow, wind pulverization equipment typically requires an appropriate fan (exhaust or blast).

When the airflow is classified, the fine product is usually taken away by the airflow. In some cases, the raw material is sent to a pulverized device from the airflow.

As is well known, the load of solid particles in the air under normal pressure does not exceed 500 g / m3 air. When it reaches 1 kg / m3, the particles fall from the airflow. The load is related to the density and particle size of the particles. When the fine particle material is treated, the load generally does not exceed 200 to 300 g / 3 air. According to this calculation, the volume concentration in the gas stream is much smaller than 0.03. Therefore, when the airflow is classified, in most cases, it belongs to the free settlement.

The speed required to move the particulate material in the horizontal and vertical direction is relatively large, and the speed required in the horizontal direction is relatively large, and as the particle density increases, for example, for the density 1.5 of the pulverized coal and Western / cubic centimeter. The minimum wind speed is 2 m / sec; a powder material having a density of 2.5 g / cm, the speed is not less than 3.5 m / sec; a powder having a density of 4 g / cm 3, a minimum speed of 4 meters per second. Due to the complexity of the situation, the appropriate airflow rate in each particular situation should be determined by experiments.

In the rising airflow, the airflow speed required to suspend the particles having a certain density and particle size is greater than the calculated value of the free settling, which is due to the unevenness of the airflow along the pulverizing chamber portion.

The cell mill of chemical Pigment has a wide comminution, high pulverization efficiency, high pulverization precision, accurate cutting particle size, and good stability.

ALPA baked wheat Cell Mill of Chemical Pigment case sharing: This customer is a seasoning company, which requires an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized wheat after baking during its production. Investigate many companies in China, and finally chose our AlPa as partners, purchased Cell Mill of Chemical Pigment from us.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D99.9: 180 mesh
Production capacity: 400kg

If you still have questions, you can contact AlPa Technology Co., Ltd. for consultation, warmly welcome users. Come to consult and purchase, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is a suitable for you!

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