Hammer Mill of Construction waste

Date:2021-09-13 08:12:07 | Views:

It is well known that the product technology of Hammer Mill of Construction Waste has been widely valued by the industry.

In the process of production, Hammer Mill of Construction Waste mainly utilizes the freezing, filtration, and drying of the compressed air, forming a supersonic air air flow through the nozzle inside the device. After a powerful pressure rotation is incorporated into the grinding chamber, the material to be pulverized in the grinding chamber exhibits a fluidized form.

ALPA Harbin Powder Hammer Mill of Construction Waste Case Sharing:

A gypsμm company is an integrated enterprise, production, sales, export, production, sales, export of sulfate powder, export, company products Industry in building materials, molds, food, medicine, rubber, plastics, coatings.
The company adopts advanced modern production equipment and leading production technology, natural gypsμm, natural plaster powder, desulfurization powder variety, high grade, excellent quality, and is sold throughout the country, partially exported to Japan, South Korea, South Africa , Egypt and other countries are favored by users.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: 4-15μm
Hour Yield: 3-6T

ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. R & D, super fine classifier, precision classification machine, etc. Protect the purity and accuracy of the grading product, if you need to purchase related equipment, please feel free to contact us. .

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