Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Battery material

Date:2021-09-23 09:52:30 | Views:

We all know that Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Battery Material is a strong airflow pulverizer, and many stubborn hard materials will be cut into a uniform block,

Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Battery Material and cyclone splitters, dust collectors and air blowers have become a complete crushing system. After filtration of compressed air is dried, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, repeated collision, friction and shear at the intersection of the plurality of high pressure airflows, and pulverized the material. The crushing material moves from the rising airflow to the hierarchical region under the suction of the fan, generating a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotation. Under force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the granular particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.

Do you know how to correctly use Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Battery Material? I hope the content below can help you. 1. Preparation before the comminution is started to check whether the host, joint, pipeline, and the valve are normal, working properly. 2, open the pulverizer (1) Open the compressor power supply, dustpress pressure valve and the main valve, open the power switch of the pulverizer, turn on the power switch. (2) From zero, gradually adjust to the specified speed. (3) Open the fan, cyclone separator, dust removal and charger power, open the total power box, set the frequency of the inverter, and then start charging. (4) The particle size of the finished product can be adjusted according to the frequency and bearing capacity of the grading wheel. 3, pulverizer shutdown is: inverter - feeder - main valve compressor - compressive type impeller motor - cyclone material, dust removal switch - fan - universal power supply air compressor. 4, eddy current pulverizer maintenance (1) Regularly lubricate eddy current crushing machine, but the lubricant should not be too large to prevent the bearing temperature too high. (2) Check the wear of the impeller, screw conveyor and the crushing nozzle. (3) After pulverizing the material, the rubber powder should be removed to avoid clogging, thereby affecting the crushing effect. (4) After a while, the filter bag is filtered, it should be cleaned or moreChange. 5, Eddy Current Crusher Precautions (1) When the discharge equipment is running, the unloading port cannot be reached, and the accident occurs. (2) The rotational speed of the impeller should not exceed the specified requirements, otherwise the temperature is too high, the impeller and the electric chance are damaged. (3) Regularly check the safety valve to ensure safety.

To learn more about Single Classify Wheel Classifier For Battery Material, please pay attention to Shandong AlPa Powder Technology Co., Ltd., company in R & D and production of crusher and other products, quality, and consumers Welcome, trustworthy.

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