FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier with Battery material

Date:2021-09-26 16:30:48 | Views:

To understand FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER WITH BATTERY WIEL CLASSIFIER WITHY, first, let's take a look at the basic concepts of the graded. The broad grade is to divide the particles into different parts of the particle size, density, color, shape, chemical composition and radioactivity. The narrow grading is based on different particle diameter particles in the medium (usually air and water), which produces different motion trajectories, thereby achieving fractional grades of different particle diameter particles. After understanding the basic concepts of grading, let's learn about the grading principle of the next classifier. The classifier is a precision airflow classification device that can be divided into thick, medium and fine powder 3 products. The raw material powder is continuously supplied to a hierarchical machine without a rotating member by a feed tube that is compressed air, and the raw material powder is divided into fine powder, medium powder, and coarse powder by precision control of the airflow. Each product is trapped in the subsequent cyclone dust collector and dust collector.

There is a lot of problems that you need to consider in selecting FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier with Battery Material. 1. To analyze the type of equipment purchased, what is the difference between the design principle and other devices, what kind of role occurs, only what kind of role is only fully analyzed, it will make the selected jet classifier It meets your own production requirements. 2. To clearly selecting the selected equipment, which components are easily wear, the cycle of the wear member replacement is, and whether auxiliary equipment is required during operation, which equipment is required. Rational control of these will save time and financial resources to future production. 3. Investigate the classifier to the production plant to the production plant, because the equipment costs have a large part of the equipment in the construction plant, and one equipment is very complicated from design to manufacturing finished products, and the equipment manufacturer cannot be completely Introduced, the equipment technical indicators given are used as reference only when the device is selected, and it is not possible to fully represent the parameters of the device. 4. When purchasing a grading machine device, try to purchase the relevant auxiliary equipment together, so it can be finalizedInstallation, save time, and put into production smoothly.

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