FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of salt

Date:2021-09-27 17:00:02 | Views:

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER OF SALT As a smashing main equipment, the role is getting bigger and larger, in the industrial sector of metallurgy, mine, chemical, cement, a large number of raw materials and reuse each year Waste needs to be processed with a classifier. In the coking plant, sintering plants, ceramics factories, glass industries, powder metallurgy, etc., need to break the raw materials to the particle size of the next job requirements. In the chemical, power sector, the hierarchy, the raw material is broken, grind, and increases the surface area of ​​the material, has created favorable conditions to shorten the chemical reaction of the material.

In the conventional dispersion pulverization process, it is difficult to overcome the phenomenon of heating, viscology. The machine uses a swirling high-speed rotational movement to produce a strong gas stream within the mill. The material enters the crushing room under the negative pressure of the feed port. The vortex vibration generated by the strong gas flow between the blade and the module is generated by impact, shearing and grinding. The heat of the pulverizer is taken away by the airflow, and the heat generated during the crushing process will not accumulate. The finished powder from the screen stream, improves the milling fineness, can be adjusted by the screen production efficiency, uniform fineness.

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL Classifier of Sal will generate certain noise during production, and the main reason for generating noise is: (1) When the coal mill is running, the operating component drives the air to generate "whistle" "Call: (2) The device is running. The sound of vibration is generated; (3), the rubbing between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction. For noise generated, the main solution is as follows: (1) add lubricating oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalign, adjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing; (2) The heat generated during the crushing process also produces noise Cooling through the crushing chamber water cooled cooling, the muffler is mounted in the air intake port of the pulverization chamber; (3) damping the damping pad and other devices.

Shandong AlPa airflow crusher price, quality is more than German brand, environmental protection, granularity concentrated, explosion-proof dustproof. Welcome to inquire.

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