FL/ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of calcite

Date:2021-09-27 17:00:17 | Views:

FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL Classifier of Calcite is an industrial equipment that consists of a ball mill, a vibrating mill, and a power is 0.75 kW. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the industrial community is getting bigger and bigger, and the requirements for fineness, purity and pass rate are getting higher and higher, and the processing rate is high. Micro-powder equipment is usually extremely expensive and low productivity.

Let's introduce you to the cleaning of FL / ITC Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier of Calcite: 1. Clean the other components of the pulverizer: mainly using the outer screw cleaning grinding machine cover and part. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary. 2, clean the pulverizer. Crusher cabins is what we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.

Users who need to purchase FL / ITC MULTIPLE CLASSIFY WHEEL Classifier of Calcite products can choose Shandong AlPa Powder Technology Co., Ltd., this is a manufacturer specializing in the production and sales of various eddy current crushers, affordable, after-sales service .

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