Cell Mill Machine for Toner

Date:2021-12-17 10:12:19 | Views:

Cell Mill Machine for Toner is an industrial equipment. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the industrial community is increasingly demanding various fine powder, and the requirements, purity and pass rate requirements are also It is increasingly high, and the application of classification machine is also more extensive.

Cell Mill Machine for Toner is precisely pulverized with ultrafine powder below the micron level, in particular high-end powder material, and can provide high performance crushing effects that other forms of crushing equipment, by pulverizing After processing, there is more than three different particle size ranges of more than three different particle size ranges, which greatly increase the added value of powder raw materials; there is a wide range of applications in metal and non-metallic fields.

ALPA Gypsum Cell Mill Machine For Toner Case Sharing: The company is a more well-known non-metallic mine company in South Africa. The company's main product is a super fine ultra-fine micropowder of non-metallic mine such as stone and gypsum. Our website learned our equipment and read our case, and finally chose to buy the Cell Mill Machine for Toner of our company as its gypsum ultrafine powder production line.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D97: 5UM
Production capacity: 140kg

The main development trend of Cell Mill Machine for Toner has the following aspects:

( 1) Develop a fine classification device that is supported with a grading machine.
(2) Development of low energy consumption, small land, and dealing with large processing capabilities.
(3) Integrated development of equipment and process research.

Different models of milling machine performance, different granularity, different production efficiency, different production and production environment, the price of processing equipment is also different, customers can ask AlPA engineers to purchase appropriate Model and specification, welcome to inquire.

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